Yscript Partner Sartorius BIA Separations Brings Science Into Schools
On 22 March 2024, Dr Urh Černigoj, Head of R&D at Sartorius BIA Separations and Principal Investigator in Yscript, took the time to share his research work at a Slovenian elementary school. The 14-year-old pupils listened enthusiastically and in many cases also inspired to a biology lesson of a special kind.
Dr Černigoj used the invitation from the class to highlight both the work of Sartorius BIA Separations and the mission of Yscript. Sartorius BIA Separations develops and manufactures products for the purification and analysis of large biomolecules such as viruses, plasmids and mRNA, which are used for cell, gene and other novel therapies. To introduce the students to the complex topic of purification of molecules for the production of biopharmaceuticals, gene and cell therapies and vaccines, Dr Černigoj combined a presentation of basic knowledge with a hands-on experimental workshop.
A focus on the specific work of Černigoj and his team for Yscript fitted in seamlessly, as in our project, BIA Separations is focusing on the purification of mRNA produced using yeast cells. Our animated Yscript project film was a very vivid way to show the interested young lay audience our goal of large-scale and cost-effective production of mRNA for vaccines and therapeutics and our innovative approach to achieve it.